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The Forecaster

The Forecaster

The Forecaster

The Story of Martin Armstrong

MARTIN ARMSTRONG, once a US based trillion dollar financial advisor, developed a computer model based on the number pi and other cyclical theories to predict economic turning points with eerie accuracy. As Armstrong's recognition grew, prominent New York bankers invited him to join "The Club" to aid them in market manipulation. Martin repeatedly refused. Later that same year (1999) the FBI stormed his offices, confiscating his computer model and accusing him of a 3 billion dollar Ponzi scheme. Was it an attempt to silence him and prevent him from initiating a public discourse on the real Ponzi scheme of debts that the world has been building up for decades?

Interview 2018: How to deal with the upcoming bond Contagion?
Podium Discusion 2015: How to deal with the upcoming major sovereign dept crisis?
Interview with Marcus Vetter 2015

Original languages : EnglishSubtitles : Englis, GermanLength : 93 minutesRelease : 2014

“The Forecaster is as serpentine and fascinating as a John le Carré novel.“

LA Weekly

“Thriller than reality.“

Weekly newspaper “Die Zeit”

“It plays like a slickly elaborate sketch for a future Hollywood retelling in the Wolf of Wall Street mold.”


The Story

of martin armstrong

MARTIN ARMSTRONG, once a US based trillion dollar financial advisor, developed a computer model based on the number pi and other cyclical theories to predict economic turning points with eerie accuracy. In the early 80s he established his financial forecasting and advising company Princeton Economics. His forecasts were in great demand worldwide. As Armstrong’s recognition grew, prominent New York bankers invited him to join “The Club” to aid them in market manipulation. Martin repeatedly refused. Later that same year (1999) the FBI stormed his offices, confiscating his computer model and accusing him of a 3 billion dollar Ponzi scheme. Was it an attempt to silence him and prevent him from initiating a public discourse on the real Ponzi scheme of debts that the world has been building up for decades? Armstrong predicts that a sovereign debt crisis will start to unfold on a global level after October 1, 2015 – a major pi turning point that his computer model forecasted many years ago.

“Marty was held in jail from 2000 until 2006, not; because he was convicted of a crime, but because he is in a stand-off with the government.“

David Glovin, Reporter at Bloomberg News

“Here is a man who I believe in my heart did absolutely nothing wrong. And I can tell you, even if he did, he did not deserve the treatment that he received.“

Larry Edelson, Gold Trader and Former Client

About Martin Armstrong

Martin Arthur Armstrong (born November 1, 1949 in New Jersey) is the former chairman of Princeton Economics International Ltd., once leading multinational corporate advisor with offices in Paris, London, Sydney, Hong Kong and Tokyo. He was hailed as Economist of the Decade and was Hedge Fund Manager of the year in 1998 after correctly forecasting the collapse of Russia that led to the implosion of Long Term Capital Management.

His advice has been sought by numerous governments with regards to the global economy from China to even the US Congress. Armstrong is the developer of the Economic Confidence Model based on business cycles and best known for calling the crash of 1987 to the very day.

A millionaire at the age of 15

At the age of 13, Martin Armstrong began working at a coin and stamp dealership and was a millionaire in 1965 at the age of 15. After becoming the manager of his employer’s store, he and a partner opened a collectors’ store when he was 21. After high school, Armstrong attended the RCA Institute and audited a few courses at Princeton, but he never earned a college degree.

Over time, the forecasting became his business. Much of it was rooted in cycles research for which he  traveled to London to the British Museum Newspaper Library and put together daily historical data on prices and exchange rates. He constructed what he called an Economic Confidence Model (also called the “Pi” cycle model), which he relied on to predict an upturn in the price of commodities in the early days of 1977. He published long term forecasts, which are still monitored today by the financial press.

Armstrong progressed from gold coin investments to following commodity prices and collecting gold coins and antiquities. Armstrong was a frequent contributor to academic journals and often was sought for comment on financial topics. He was also chairman of the Foundation for the Study of Cycles, an international research and educational institution, established in 1941 as a non profit corporation by economist Edward R. Dewey and dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of finding and analyzing recurring patterns.

“For $33.50, You Can Have a Minute With this Commodities Advisor”

In 1983 Armstrong began accepting and fulfilling paid subscriptions for a commodity market forecast newsletter. He formed three corporations for the provision of commodity services: Princeton Economic Consultants, Inc. (“PEC”), Economic Consultants of Princeton, Inc. (“ECP”) and Armstrong Report, Inc. These corporations provided consulting services, seminar programs, written reports, telephone and telex messages, and account management services. In the nineties, Armstrong wrote a heavily researched but quixotically told two-volume account of the Great Depression called “The Greatest Bull Market in History.”

On June 27, 1983, The Wall Street Journal featured in an article “For $33.50, You Can Have a Minute With this Commodities Advisor,” just how much his advise was worth.

On November 8, 1985, The Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors (US) Mr. Beryl Wayne Sprinkel answered in a letter the concerns Armstrong addressed regarding intervention into foreign exchange markets.

In fall 1987, Armstrong was invited by the Brady Commission to share his views on the 1987 market crash, which he predicted to the precise day using his computer models. The target date of 1987.8 was precisely October 19th 1987, the day of the low. In June 1989, The Australian Financial Review published an article about Armstrong and his view on interest rates. In the Jan/Feb 1990 issue of “EQUITY” magazine, he was named “America’s top economist”. In July 1996, he was invited by the United States House Committee on Ways and Means for a testimony regarding global capital flows.

On May 20, 1997, Armstrong reminded the United States Secretary of the Treasury, Robert Rubin, that his policy would increase volatility and provided insider favoritism. United States Department of the Treasury Senior Deputy Assistant Secretary, Timothy Geithner, responded in a letter on June 4, 1997, that the United States Department of the Treasury felt comfortable with their policy. Also in 1997, Armstrong was invited to advise the People’s Bank of China during the Asian Currency Crisis. In the April 1998 issue of the Journal “Share International”; he was forecasting the destabilizing effect of European Union on the world economy.

In 1998, Armstrong started to manage a hedge fund on behalf of Magnum Global Investments. Using his theory that boom-bust cycles occur like clockwork every 8.6 years, he correctly called Russia’s financial collapse in 1998 and also pointed to a peak just before the Japanese stock market, Nikkei 225, crashed in 1989. In the United Kingdom, a popular financial magazine Money Week, published an article on Martin Armstrong on March 27, 2007, titled “The Strange Case of the Jailed Market Genius”. In that article they highlighted the model had predicted a major top in financial markets for February 27, 2007, with the next major bottom being June 18, 2011.

On October 12, 2009, the magazine The New Yorker published an extensive article on Martin Armstrong, titled “The Secret Cycle – Is the Financier Martin Armstrong a Con Man, a Crank, or a Genius?”

Circular Reasoning: A Market for Pi in the Sky?

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Armstrong case file was lost when the September 11 terrorist attack obliterated its offices, in 7 World Trade Center. While Armstrong was in detention while awaiting trial, the court appointed receiver, Tancred Schiavoni, tried to get hold of the uncompiled model source code (p.4), which was Armstrong’s key to make all the accurate market predictions in the past, but Armstrong refused to turn this code over.

As Armstrong did not produce the assets or documents (source code) that were requested by the government, Judge Richard Owen ordered him jailed. While in most such cases, a person is held for contempt for 18 months at most, Judge Owen repeatedly reimposed the jail time, demanding the production of the materials. He was removed from the case by a panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit after justices decided the case needed “a fresh look by a different pair of eyes.”

Armstrong pressed for a speedy trial to be released, as there was no money missing after Republic New York paid the money back they had stolen. To prevent that, the government disgorged all of Armstrong’s lawyers and had him stripped of counsel as well as of the company. This took place in an extraordinary closed court proceeding, where the government had the press illegally removed from the courtroom on April 24, 2000. The Associated Press reported the incident and posed the question on April 26 2000, “wondering if the New Jersey market forecaster can get a fair trial.”
The government then created a civil contempt charge and despite the statute limiting such contempt to 18 months, he was kept in prison on contempt without lawyers, trial, or charges for over 7 years the longest federal civil contempt of court imprisonment in American history.

As the Wall Street Journal said in their January 8, 2009, “No Charge: In Civil-Contempt Cases, Jail Time Can Stretch On for Years,” there is no right to a jury trial in a civil contempt case. Unable to move to trial for such a long time, Marty didn’t see another way but to plead guilty.

For apparently destroying prison property, he was suddenly moved into solitary confinement (the “hole”) for 12 consecutive days and removed from his legal defense material that was critical for his trial. In a bargain plea, the government agreed to drop 23 of the 24 criminal counts, if he plead guilty on August 17, 2006 to one count of conspiracy. Specifically, “for merging/commingling investors’ accounts with his own trading accounts by Republic Bank’s suggestion but without informing the investors” (p.21). This ignored the fact that Republic New York confirmed in a letter in late 2001, replying to Japanese investors (who filed a complaint against them), “that Armstrong and his Princeton entities were contractually allowed to merge/commingle funds” as all accounts at Republic New York related to Armstrong or his Princeton entities were fully controlled by Armstrong (p.7). By ignoring these facts, the judge sentenced Armstrong on April 10, 2007, to an additional five years in prison.

He was released from prison on September 2, 2011. On April 18, 2012, Armstrong wrote an open letter to the former U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission receiver, Mr. Tancred Schiavoni. Armstrong provides an overview of his version of the case.

Martin Armstrong about his discovery

“PI is the absolute perfect cycle. It is the way energy moves, is why we are born, we live and we die, is the ultimate knowledge of the theory of everything.“

“Nobody can watch everything everywhere 24hrs a day and then interpret it to be always correct. You can attribute such super-human ability to me, accuse me of manipulating the entire world, ignore me as an anomaly, or plagiarise me and pretend you are the smartest person alive. Others have tried so desperately to rob this technology from me to make a fortune or to just try to undo the accomplishments. None of this will change the simple fact that perhaps there is another way and the world just may not be flat after all. In their personal greed, they cannot stop for one second and see that they are only part of the cycle and are the evil invisible hand that keeps society trapped in a vortex of corruption unable to ever escape to the next level of the game we call life.”


Martin Armstrong started collecting coins as a young boy. His enduring interest in numismatics brought him his first wealth and set him on the path of to commodities trading and eventually the development of the Economic Confidence Model, which he traces back to ancient Rome.

Martin Armstrong’s meticulously researched and developed Economic Confidence Model has enormous implications for the world. At one point, everyone from Goldman Sachs to the CIA and FBI wanted it. Armstrong and his team at Princeton Economics took extreme measures to protect the algorithm and the computers it resided on.

Seeing the patterns of ancient civilizations like Rome repeated over and over gave Martin Armstrong the historical perspective to see the cycles in confidence and the economy. Using historical records, he predicts the path of modern society, and it isn’t rosy.

Martin Armstrong was imprisoned for 7 years for civil contempt, one of the longest-ever such cases in American history. From prison, he continued to work on his economic models, writing articles and analyzing the impact of current events.

The Legal Case

Martin Armstrong was kept in prison on contempt without lawyers, trial, or charges, for over 7 years – the longest federal civil contempt of court in American history.

Armstrong was indicted on September 29, 1999 in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York for an alleged fraud where he was claimed to have conspired with employees of Republic New York bank involving Japanese investors.
In November 1999, several Japanese investors such as the Amada Corporation, Japan’s largest manufacturer of metalworking machinery, and one of Armstrong’s clients, filed a lawsuit against Republic New York and two officers, accusing them of fraud. New York Times, November 30, 1999

In court papers filed, Amada sought recovery of at least $123 million plus punitive damages. The complaint made accusations of securities fraud against Republic New York, two subsidiaries and two officers. One officer was immediately suspended and one was replaced.

Republic New York at first tried to claim its employees, who were illegally trading in accounts belonging to Armstrong had conspired with Armstrong to hide their losses from the Japanese. However, after it became clear that the accounts did not belong to the Japanese investors but to Armstrong as they had simply swapped their depreciated Japanese portfolios for low yielding Princeton Notes and not involving any funds management), Republic New York plead guilty on December 17, 2001, to fraud in federal court in connection with the fraud.

Republic New York agreed-upon a restitution order on January 9, 2002 to pay $606 million in a civil settlement with 57 Japanese Note holders to fully settle their claims and its executives received immunity provided they returned all the money. New York Times, December 18, 2001

Republic New York’s new parent company HSBC then applied for a lifetime gag order on Armstrong to prevent him from assisting the Japanese in lawsuits against them and to prevent Armstrong from revealing his version of the case.  The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Armstrong case file was lost when the September 11 terrorist attack obliterated its offices, in 7 World Trade Center.
Security and Exchange Commission Document, April 4, 2003

While Armstrong was in detention while awaiting trial, the court appointed receiver Tancred Schiavoni tried to get hold of the uncompiled model source code (p.4) which was Armstrong’s key to make all the accurate market predictions in the past but Armstrong refused to turn this code over.
Attorney letter, November 1, 2000

As Armstrong did not produce the assets, as well as documents (source code) that were requested by the government, Judge Richard Owen ordered him jailed. While in most such cases, a person is held for contempt for 18 months at most, Judge Owen repeatedly reimposed the jail time, demanding the production of the materials. He was removed from the case by a panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit after justices decided the case needed “a fresh look by a different pair of eyes.” New York Times, April 28, 2007

Armstrong pressed for a speedy trial to be released, as there was no money missing after Republic New York paid the money back they had stolen. To prevent that, the government disgorged all of Armstrong’s lawyers and had him stripped of counsel as well as of the company. AP Online, April 27, 2000

This took place in an extraordinary closed court proceeding where the government had the press illegally removed from the courtroom on April 24, 2000. The Associated Press reported the incident and posed the question on April 26, 2000 “wondering if the New Jersey market forecaster can get a fair trial”.
Associate press, April 26, 2000

The government then created a civil contempt and despite the statute limiting such contempt to 18 months he was kept in prison on contempt without lawyers, trial, or charges, for over 7 years the longest federal civil contempt of court in American history. New York Times, August 18, 2006

Unable to move to trial for such a long time as there is no right to a jury trial in a civil contempt which the Wall Street Journal mentioned in their January 8, 2009 issue saying: “No Charge: In Civil-Contempt Cases, Jail Time Can Stretch On for Years”, he didn’t see another way but to plead guilty.
New York Times, February 16, 2007

For apparently destroying prison property, he was being suddenly moved into solitary confinement (the “hole”) for 12 consecutive days and being removed from his legal defense material that was critical for his trial. Bloomberg News, September, 2012

In a bargain plea, the government agreed to drop 23 of the 24 criminal counts if he was pleading guilty on August 17, 2006 to one count of conspiracy “for merging/commingling investors’ accounts with his own trading accounts by Republic Bank’s suggestion but without informing the investors” (p.21 court transcript August 17, 2006 ) despite the fact that Republic New York confirmed in a letter in late 2001 replying to Japanese investors (who filed a complaint against them) “that Armstrong and his Princeton entities were contractually allowed to merge/commingle funds” as all accounts at Republic New York related to Armstrong or his Princeton entities were fully controlled by Armstrong (p.7 Reply letter Republic Bank).

By ignoring these facts the judge sentenced Armstrong on April 10, 2007, to an additional five years in prison. New York Times, April 28, 2007

He was released from prison on September 2, 2011. On April 18, 2012, Armstrong wrote an open letter to the former U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission receiver Mr. Tancred Schiavoni. Armstrong provides an overview of his version of the case. Open Letter, April 28, 2012

“The guys weren´t happy about all the stuff he was writing in his reports about them. So he is a player in the market, he exposed that market, but he is also outing this other major market players.“

Nigel Kirwan


Thomas Sjoblom; is a trial lawyer and litigator in Washington D.C., specialize in defending people charged with securities fraud by the SEC and DOJ. He represented Martin Armstrong for many years without getting payed because Armstrong was not allowed any money to pay for his defence. In Sjoblom´s point of view, this case held not one piece of evidence that Martin Armstrong himself was engaged in fraud. For more information please visit www.tvs-law.com

Larry Edelson; is a commodities advisor and former client of Armstrong, who lives and works in Bangkok, Thailand. He has known Armstrong since 1980 and was soon fascinated by the accuracy of his forecasts. When Armstrong went to jail, he stood ready to finance Princeton Economics International and to take it out of receivership and keep it going. But he says that Tancred Schiavoni, the court-appointed receiver, told him: “I don´t care how much money you have to finance the operations. We want the source code.”

Oliver Brown; was an employee at the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in New York City. He operated the law-library at the MCC as an education specialist and met Martin Armstrong at his daily visits to the library. He declared in court that in his 30 years at the Bureau of Prisons, he has never seen the policies and processes so manipulated as in this case. He says: MCC’s protocols and policies were not followed for Martin Armstrong.

Barclay Leib, fund manager and market analyst in New York, specialised in hedge fund research and asset allocation. Before he worked for Martin Armstrong as the Assistant to the Chairman, he asked some people in the business what they knew about him. Some people at Goldman Sachs told him that Marty was a big metals trader and that they had bumped up against him a few times in the market – and that most of the time he ended up winning.

Michael Campbell; is one of the most respected business analysts in Vancouver. His radio show “Money Talks” on the Corus Radio Network is Canadas top rated business show. Michael Campbell followed Martin Armstrong´s work since the early eighties. He has been convinced of the accuracy of his forecasts since Armstrong predicted the high of the Nikkei Index in 1989 quite ahead of time– and was absolutely correct. Campbell uses Armstrong´s forecasts even today and invited him to his show in 2013.

Tony Godin; is an IT-specialist living and practicing in Perth, Australia. He was the programmer for Armstrongs Princeton Economic International (PEI) and built the internal IT-security system. He programmed a network that reacted with self-destruction on any interference from outside. When some of the PEI-Systems were under attack, he built honey traps and tracked the intruders back to certain IT-adresses in Langley, Virginia – where the CIA has its headquaters.

Nigel Kirwan, used to be one of Martin Armstrong´s closest associates  before the FBI stormed the offices of PEI worldwide. He still believes that Martin Armstrong is a spectacular goods trader and that he had so many enemies in the market because he never “joined the club”. He lives in Byron Bay, Australia, where he just had to sell his house, because his reputation is in tatters due to his association with Martin Armstrong.

World Premiere

22. November 2014 at IDFA Competition for Feature-Length Documentary

Starting at a very young age, Martin Armstrong displayed an entrepreneurial spirit and an analytical ability that were far more developed than others. As a child he was already collecting coins and before long he would be trading in gold. As an adult, he started the company Princeton Economics International. Based on a self-designed model, in which the mysterious number Pi plays an integral role, he was able to calculate developments in the world economy. His predictions about stock crises or currency problems were eerily accurate, and he built up a clientele that consisted of powerful players in the global economy. All this made him a lot of money, but also more and more enemies in high places. In 1999, the FBI was on his doorstep, and he ended up in prison on charges of fraud and conspiracy without ever being tried in court. In 2012, he suddenly reappeared in public life, and he shares his pessimistic views on the disastrous developments in the world. In the film he tells his remarkable story, supported by archive footage and interviews with his mother, former employees and customers. It’s a story that reads a lot like a film script.   Martin Armstrong will be present at each film screening in Amsterdam.

Controversial economist Martin Armstrong is the focus of Marcus Vetter’s German documentary, world-premiering in competition at the Dutch festival

Miscarriage-of-justice documentaries are a dime a dozen these days, but few can boast the global sweep or geopolitical context of Marcus Vetter’s English-language German production The Forecaster. An unambiguously partisan profile of controversial economics whiz Martin Armstrong — who spent a decade in jail on technicalities relating to fraud charges — it plays like a slickly elaborate sketch for a future Hollywood retelling in the Wolf of Wall Street mold.
World-premiering in the main competition at IDFA, the blandly titled but discussion-provoking and decidedly topical glimpse into the arcane mysteries of high finance should pick up its share of festival play and TV exposure. The latter format will of course cramp one of the picture’s strong suits, namely Georg Zengerling’s wide-screen cinematography, which consistently adds color and excitement to what could easily have been a dry affair.

Hopping locations from Bangkok, where we first meet Armstrong in amusing consultation with a fortune-teller, to New York, Australia and beyond, Vetter and co-director Karin Steinberger craft an accessible and palatable package, which is careful to remain on the right side of comprehensibility. Indeed, a recurring refrain is that Armstrong’s computer-generated models for predicting economic cycles  — involving the mathematical principles of pi  — are so complex and advanced that only Armstrong himself is capable of grasping their byzantine intricacies. Read the full review @ HollywoodReporter.com

festivals & europe tour

martin armstrong europe tour starts again in september 2015


Belgium Millenium Film Festival
Mar 2016
Australia The Indievillage Film Fest Dec 2015
Finland Rokumentti Rock Film Festival Nov 2015
Netherlands InScience Nov 2015
Russia Contemporary Science Oct 2015
Mexico DocsDF
Oct 2015
Netherlands Fraud Film Festival Amsterdam Oct 2015
Macedonia IFF “Manaki Brothers” Sep 2015
United Kingdom Cambridge Film Festival Sep 2015
Croatia Vukovar Film Festival
Aug 2015
South Korea EBS (EIDF) Aug 2015
Cyprus Lemesos IDF Aug 2015
Mexico Guanajuaro IFF (GIFF)
July 2015
Italy (Bologna) Biogra Film Festival Jun 2015
New Zealand (Wellington) Documentary EDGE Jun 2015
Romania Transilvania International May 2015
Spain (Barcelona) Docs Barcelona May 2015
New Zealand (Aukland) Documentary EDGE May 2015
USA (Seatle) Filmfestival Seatle May 2015
Canada (Vancouver) Best of DOXA
May 2015
Germany (Munich) Best of Docfest
May 2015
Poland (Warsaw) Planet+Doc Film Festival May 2015
Germany (Munich)
Docfest Munich
May 2015
Belgium (Leuven)
Docville Film Festival
May 2015
Canada (Vancouver) DOXA Documentary Apr 2015
UK (London) Bertha DocHouse Apr 2015
Irland (Belfast) Belfast Film Festival Apr 2015
USA (New York) Cinema Village Apr 2015
USA (Los Angeles) Laemmle Music Hall 3 Mar 2015
UK (London) Bertha DocHouse Mar 2015
Greece 17th Thessaloniki IFF
Mar 2015
Croatia (Zagreb) ZAGEBDOX Feb 2015
Netherlands (AMS) World Premiere IFDA Nov 2014

Martin Armstrong European Release Tour

Greeze Athen September 29
France Paris September 13-17
Italy Palermo September 17*
Spain Barcelona September 10*
Italy (Bologna) Biogra Film Festival June 5
Transilvania International
June 1 – 6pm
Barcelona Docs Barcelona May 28-29
Berlin* Sputnik Kino Südkreuz May 15 – 7.30pm
Berlin* Tilsiter Lichtspiele Berlin May 15 – 4.30pm
Potsdam* Thalia Programmkino May 14 – 6.45pm
Warsaw Planet+Doc Film Festival May 15 – 7pm
Warsaw Planet+Doc Film Festival May 16 – 3pm
Hannover* Kino am Raschplatz May 13 – 8.30pm
Hamburg* Koralle Kino May 12- 8.30pm
Hamburg* Zeise May 12 – 6pm
Munich DOC.fest Munich May 11 – 8pm
Dresden Programmkino Ost May 10
Frankfurt Cinema Harmonie May 9 – 8.30pm
Tübingen* Kino Museum May 7 – 8
Belgium (Leuven) Docville Film Festival May 7
Berlin Filmtheater Friedrichshain April 29 – 8pm
Stuttgart Arthaus Delphi Cinema  April 28 – 7.30pm


Every screening will have a Q&A with Martin Armstrong.
(* Q&A with director Marcus Vetter and team only)
More european cities for the Martin Armstrong European Tour coming soon…

Live Broadcast September 29

Theatrical Release and live broadcast with Martin Armstrong

Trailer Swiss Pag

Official premiere in Athens with Martin Armstrong
Tuesday, 29th September
Institute Français d’Athènes – Sina 29 – Athens 106 80

Live Broadcast discussion from Athens with Martin Armstrong and Marcus Vetter.
Co-organised with the Goethe Institute Athens.
In co-operation with Transparency International and KMArt Yard Ukraine.
More information about the live broadcast you can find here.

Broadcast into Cinemas all over Europe

The following cinemas are showing THE FORECASTER followed by a panel discussion with Martin Armstrong live from Athens:

Croatia Zagreb Dokukino
Denmark Aarhus Doclounge
Germany Berlin Sputnik Kino am Südstern
Berlin b-ware! Ladenkino
Esslingen Kommunales Kino
Potsdam Thalia Programm Kino
Nürnberg Casablanca Kino
Tübingen Arsenal Kino
Greece Athens Institut Français d’Athènes
Mytilene Theatre of Mytilene
Rethymno CineLand Pantelis
Thessaloniki Olympion Cinema
Poland Pozna Kino Palacowe
Warsaw tba.
Scotland Edinburgh Edinburgh College of Art
UK London Bertha Doghouse
Ukraine Kyiv Kyiv Mohyla Academy

Theatrical Releases

Theatrical Release in Spain September 10, 2015

Official premiere in barcelona with Marcus Vetter
Thursday, 10th September – 8pm
ARIBAU MULTICINES – Carrer d’Aribau, 8-10

Director Marcus Vetter will be present at the official premiere in Barcelona for a Q&A.

Theatrical Release in Italy September 15, 2015

Official Premiere in Rome with Marcus Vetter
Tuesday, 15th September
Cinema Adriano
Piazza Cavour, 22, 00193 Roma, Italien

Director Marcus Vetter will be present through out the day for press interviews and after the movie screening for a Q&A.

Screening in Palermo with Marcus Vetter
Wednesday, 16th September
cinema ROUGE et NOIR
Piazza Giuseppe Verdi, 8 – 90138 PALERMO

Director Marcus Vetter will be present in Palermo for a Q&A.

Theatrical Release in France September 13, 2015

Official premiere in Paris with Martin Armstrong
Sunday, 13th September – 1pm
PUBLICIS CINEMAS – 129 av. des Champs Elysée 75008 Paris 

Martin Armstrong will be present at the official premiere in Paris for a Q&A.

Q&A in Paris with Martin Armstrong
Wednesday, 16th September
L’ESPACE ST MICHEL – 7 Boulevard Saint-Michel, 75005 Paris

Martin Armstrong will be present after the movie screening for a Q&A.

Cinemas in Germany

German cinemas May 7 to June 25

Aachen APOLLO-Filmtheater May 7-28
Aschaffenburg Casino
May 7-21
Augsburg Thalia
May 7-28
Augsburg Savoy May 27 – June 2
Bad Füssing Fimgalerie May 28 + June 2
Bad Soden Kult Kinobar May 31
Bad Urach Forum 22 June 4-8
Bamberg Kant Cinema
May 7 – June 3
Berlin Babylon
May 8-18
Berlin Tilsiter Lichtspiele
May 7-21
Berlin Kino Kulturbrauerei
May 7- June 18
Berlin Filmrauschpalast
May 7-21
Berlin b-ware! Laden Kino
May 7 – June 25*
Berlin Filmtheater Friedrichshain
May 7 – June 25*
Berlin Hackesche Höfe Kino
May 7- June 8
Berlin Kant Cinema May 7- June 25*
Berlin Sputnik Kino am Südstern
May 7 – June 18
Berlin Tilsiter Lichtspiele
May 7-21
Bremen Atlantis Filmtheater
May 7-21
Bochum Casablanca
May 7 – June 8
Brühl Zoom Kino June 20*
Bielefeld Lichtwerk Filmtheater May 7-28
Bielefeld Neue Kamera May 27 + June 18
Buckow Park-Lichtspiele  June 8-18
Chemnitz Clubkino Siegmar
May 7-21
Cottbus Oben-Kino June 27-29*
Darmstadt Rex Kinos
May 7-28
Dortmund SweetSixteen Cinema May 7-21
Duisburg filmforum
May 7-21
Dresden Programmkino Ost
May 7 – June 18
Dresden Schauburg
May 7 – June 8
Düsseldorf Bambi May 7 – June 18
Essen Filmstudio
May 7-21
Eichstätt Filmstudio May 28 – June 3
Erlangen Manhattan June 8-18
Erlenbach Passage June 18-20*
Fellbach Orfeo June 3-8
Frankfurt Harmonie Kinos
May 7 – June 18
Freiburg Friedrichsbau-Apollo May 7 – June 2
Freiburg Harmonie June 3-25*
Fürth Babylon May 7-28
Gera Metropol May 29 – June 25*
Hamburg Zeise Kino May 7-28
Hamburg Koralle May 7-21
Neues Studio Kino
May 7-28
Hannover Kino am Raschplatz
May 7 – June 25*
Hemsbach Brennessel May 28 – June 2
Heidelberg Karlstor-Kino June 3-18
Heilbronn Universum Arthouse
May 7-31
Holzkirchen Foolskino June 8-18
Karlsruhe Schauburg-Theater May 7- June 8
Kaiserslautern Union-Studio May 28 – June 3
Kleinmachnow Neue Kammerspiele June 4-26*
Kiel Kommunales Kino
May 7-14
Köln Cinenova May 7-14
Köln Filmhauskino
May 7 – June 18
Konstanz Scala Kino
May 7-14
Leipzig Passage
May 7-28
Leipzig Schaubühne Lindenfels May 28-30
Ludwigsburg Caligari June 3-8
Neufahrn Cineplex May 7 – June 8
Nürnberg Casablanca
May 7 – June 8
Mainz Residenz
May 7-28
Mannheim Atlantis
May 7 – June 8
Marburg Capitol
May 7-28
Magdeburg Moritzhof May 7-21
Munich Atelier June 8-25*
Munich City May 7 – June 8
Munich Monopol May 7 – June 25*
Oberhausen Lichtburg June 4 – 25*
Rottenburg Kino am Waldhorn  June 8-18
Pforzheim Kommunales Kino June 1-18
Potsdam Thalia
May 7-31
Potsdam Capitol
May 7-14
Saarbrücken Cinema Achteinhalb May 7-30
Stuttgart Delphi
May 7 – June 18
Triberg Kronen Lichtspiele June 3-8
Titisee-Neustadt Krone-Theater June 21+24*
Tübingen Museum
May 7 – June 8
Ulm Lichtburg May 28-31
Ulm Obscura May 7-28
Unterschleißheim Capitol May 28 – June 25*
Weimar Lichthaus Weimar
May 7-28
Weilheim Starlight June 8-18
Wiesbaden Caligari June 7
Wuppertal Cinema
May 7 – June 8
Würzburg Central May 28 – June 18
Zella-Mehlis Kino in der Schauburg June 18-24*

Cinemas in the USA

Q&A with Martin Armstrong at Village Picture Shows

Friday, 18th September Official Premiere
Village Picture Show – Southern Vermont Art Center

One week before the TEDx event The Village Picture Shows will show THE FORECASTER. The film will play open-ended prior to the TEDx live presentation on October 3.

Thursday, 24th September
B&B Theatres in Whylie (Dallas)

The Forecaster movie will be shown at B&B Theatres.
Woodbridge Parkway – Wylie, TX 750

Friday October 4 – Q&A with Martin Armstrong
Village Picture Show – Southern Vermont Art Center

Martin Armstrong will be present for a Q&A after the movie screening.
Southern Vermont Art Show, 930 SVAC Drive, West Road, Vermont 05255

TEDxBattenkill Live Broadcast

Martin Armstrong Live on TEDxBattenkill

TEDxBattenkill – Saturday, October 3rd
8:30am to 5:30pm (EDT) – Southern Vermont Arts Center

Martin Armstrong is invited as speaker on TEDx Battenkill 2015 – Vigilantes of Extinction, an independently organized TED event featuring thought-provoking live talks by thought leaders, intellectuals and innovators, is Saturday, October 3rd from 9:00am to 4:00pm at the Southern Vermont Arts Center (SVAC) in Manchester, VT. Following the live talks, guests are invited to a networking reception. Venue: 930 Southern Vermont Arts Center Dr.Manchester, VT 05254

The event will be available as live broadcast at www.tedxbattenkill.com

Watch now

“The fascinating aspect is the stark difference between the American and European press. The American press, in general, are too engaged in self-censorship to report the truth to the people. At least in Germany, they are willing to discuss hard issues.”

Martin Armstrong

Press & Interviews

“The Forecaster plays like a slickly elaborate sketch for a future Hollywood retelling in the Wolf of Wall Street mold.”

IDFA Review by Neil Young

“The Forecaster Is a Compelling Doc of Financial Espionage.

Village Voice Review by Chris Packham

International Press

The Forecaster – The story of espionage
05/07/2015 | LA Weekly & OC Weekly | by Chris Packham

The Forecaster – DOXA Review Vancouver

04/29/2015 | Straight | by Miranda Nelson

The Forecaster – IDFA Review

16/12/2014 | The Hollywood Reporter | by Neil Young

German Press

Thriller als die Wirklichkeit
05/06/2015 | ZEIT ONLINE | by Karsten Polke-Majewski

Ein Gespräch mit „Börsenprophet“ Martin Armstrong
05/06/2015 | Nordkurier| Interview

“Es wird zu einem großen Crash kommen”
Finanzprophet Armstrong sagt Ende des Euro voraus

05/07/2015 | Die Welt | by Nando Sommerfeld & Holger Zschäpitz

Hellseher mit dunkler Vita
05/07/2015 | ZEIT ONLINE | by Heike Buchter

Filmkritik: „Ich habe um mein Leben geschnitten“
05/07/2015 | Stuttgarter Nachrichten | by Cornelius Oettle

Alles auf Rot
05/07/2015 | Junge Welt | by Arnold Schölzel

Finanzmarkt-Star sagt den Zerfall des Euro voraus
05/08/2015 | Huffingtonpost | by Dr. Gunda Windmüller

Von Glaskugeln und Verschwörungstheorien
05/09/2015 | derFreitag | by Christine P. Krohne

Börsen-Analytiker Martin Armstrong: “Ich erwarte einen Crash im Oktober”
04/16/2015 | Huffingtonpost | by Marcel Bohnensteffen

Interview with Martin Armstrong
04/13/2015 | Wirtschaftswoche | by Rüdiger Strum

Press videos

the forecaster german TV reports

Behind the Scenes

USA – Australia – Canada – Germany – Switzerland – Indonesia – Thailand

A Production of Filmperspektive

in Co-Production with Eikon, TV Plus, SWR, Arte and NDR

Filmperspektive GmbH

Our goal is to create a platform for the independent production of documentaries and fiction films. We are interested in using our unique backgrounds and styles to create feature length films that are high quality and tell stories that people throughout the world can relate to. We strive to do this by focusing on creating material that is  powerful, edgy, provocative, contemporary and must be seen because of its political or social relevance. Our vision is to create a network of filmmakers and commissioning editors around the globe who believe, like we do, that films do make a difference. Our aim is to create a student filmmaking program for young people who would otherwise not have a chance to be educated in this field. For more information please contact: info(at)filmperspektive.de

BRD  2014,  100min
HD/DCP /Dolby Digital / Cinescope

A production of FILMPERSPEKTIVE GmbH
In co-production with EIKON Berlin
TV Plus Hannover
Supported by MFG | MEDIENBOARD
Directed and edited by Marcus Vetter
Co-Director Karin Steinberger
Camera Georg Zengerling
Sound Aljoscha Haupt
Mix Jonathan Schorr
Original Music Sven Kaiser
Art Director Michele Gentile
Associate Producer Anne Walser C-Films
Ulf Meyer addictive film
Producers Ulli Pfau
Michael Heiks
Marcus Vetter
Commisioning editors Gudrun Hanke El Ghomri, SWR
Kai Henkel, SWR
Barbara Biemann, NDR
Claudia Bucher, ARTE
Distribution, Germany Farbfilm
Distribution, Switzerland Praesensfilms
Distribution, World Autlook Filmsales
Directed and Edited by

Marcus Vetter


Karin Steinberger

Director of Photography

Georg Zengerling


Michele Gentile

Legal Advisor

Albert Kitzler

Associate Producers

Anne Walser
Jennifer Schense
Ulf Meyer


Ulli Pfau
Michael Heiks
Marcus Vetter

Art Director

Michele Gentile

Hand Drawings

Stephan Klotz

Original Music

Sven Kaiser

Location Sound

Aljoscha Haupt

Sound Design

Lena Zagikyan

Re-Recording Mixer

Jonathan Schorr

(in Order of Appearance)

Ofer Cohen
Vicky Armstrong
Danielle White
Larry Edelson
Ida Armstrong
Sam Colavita
Anthony Godin
Michael Campbell
Barclay Leib
Nigel Kirwan
Justin Pfeiffer
Neill Macpherson
Jana Aspray
David Glovin
Tomas V. Sjoblom
Lesslie Macpherson
Georg Sperber
Oliver Brown


Martin Armstrong


Marcus Vetter
Michele Gentile
Georg Zengerling

Assistant Editors

Hannes Jo Rühle
Leon Füngers
Alan Attridge

Dialogue Editing

Aljoscha Haupt

Foley Artist

Peter Deiniger

Foley Disposition

Inken Griese

Foley Studio

Cine Impuls

Color Grading

Elmar Weinhold

Additional Music

Jens Ole Huercamp

Visual Effects Supervisor

Michele Gentile

Junior Animators

Leon Füngers
Sascha Schmidt

Animation Supervisor Soul Pix

Frank Sennholz

Additional Animators Soul Pix

Nils Dechenthin

Post Production Supervisor

Georg Zengerling

Post Production Advisor

Peter Pfanner, Timeline Studio
Stefan Bingeser

Additional Legal Advisors

Stefan Lieberum
F. Robert Stein, Pryor Cashman LLP
W. Wilder Knight II, Pryor Cashman LLP

Englisch Translators

Dr. Jo Van Vliet
Babelfisch Translations

Media Consultant

Florence Olara

Camera Engineers

Georg Zengerling
Achim Johne

HD Post Production


Animation Studios

Bukera Pictures
Soul Pix

Sound Mix

K13 Kinomischung

Post Production Studio

Bukera Pictures

DCP Mastering


Title and Credit Design

Michele Gentile
Leon Füngers

Webdesign & Concept

Ulf Meyer addictive film

Executive in Charge of Production

Hans-Jürgen Bubser

Bookkeeping Eikon

Boris Hoffmann-Plato

Bookkeeping Filmperspektive

Dietmar Neubrand

Controlling Eikon

Tina Schröder


Konstanze Ramsperger
Lulu DeBoer
Oliver Markgraf
Alona Rudolph


Sonja Blaschke
Konrad Edge
Fakhri Hamad

Transcription Services

Scarlett Lorenz
Francisco Barata
Max Herbert
Ulf Meyer
Christiane Gentile
Wena Sanchez

Stringers USA

Decker Campbell
Ann Williams

Court Transcription

Alan Attridge

Line Producer Eikon

Jan Bullerdieck

Line Producer Filmperspektive

Annette Burchard

Line Producer SWR

Thomas Lorenz

Creative Producer TV Plus & Crossmedia TV Plus

Addick Addicks

Line Producer TV Plus

Christiane Enders

Production Assistant Eikon

Heike Menzel

Set Photos

Alan Attridge
Georg Zengerling

Archival Footage

Family Footage Armstrong
PEI Footage Armstrong Economics
Getty Images
Bloomberg News
ITN Sources
Bukera Pictures

With Thanks to

Timo Baur
Tom Burchard
Walter Bressert
Harry Gröner
Michael C. Falker
Gesine Füngers
Christiane and Nocola Gentile
Davide and Samuel Gentile
Chris McGinty
Marc Hug, Filmgalerie Stuttgart
Michelle Jacquemai
Pierre Johne
Katharina Sophia Mercedes
Denise Kalipciyan
John Lemon
Beate Nonhoff
Jürgen Ott
Philip Peterson
Erwin Pletsch
Sabrina and Benjamin Rothenbacher
Harold Sampson
Gökhan Salici
Mary Schense
Patricia Schormann
Juvelier Seeger
Polly and Slatko Stürmer
Milan Stürmer
Ashley Warren
Jan Christoph Wiborg
Gisela Wendel
Ursula Klotz
Kostümparadies Weinundbrot
Edda Sert
Anna Boeckh
Carina Cavegn

Special Thanks to

Martina Zöllner
Dr. Christoph Hauser

Commissioning Editors

Gudrun Hanke-El Ghomri SWR
Kai Henkel SWR
Barbara Biemann NDR
Claudia Bucher ARTE

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