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My father the turk


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It all starts with a love story between the Turkish man Cahit Cubuk and a German woman. Only when she is pregnant does she find out that he is already married and has two daughters in Turkey. He leaves Germany and leaves her alone and pregnant. 38 years later. Atilla Marcus sets off for a small Anatolian mountain village to understand his father and the story of his origins. When Marcus Vetter registers for a visit to Turkey, the feelings of all the family members run high. The whole family is eager to meet the unknown son, brother and uncle. It is a film about the meeting of two very different cultures, in which the parent generation lives according to different ideas. My father, the Turk, was awarded Best Documentary Film at the 12th Film Festival Turkey/Germany. In 2006 he received the Prix Europa, as well as the Golden Gate Award at the San Francisco InternationalFilmfestival 2007.

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