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on March 31, 2002: Shadi Tobassi, a suicide bomber from Jenin, blew himself up in Haifa, killing 15 people. Among those killed was Dov Chernobroda, an Israeli architect, who for his entire life had tried to bring about a peaceful settlement between Israel and Palestine. Eight years later, his wife Yaël would like to visit the family of the suicide bomber in Jenin. Despite her turmoil of emotions she still wishes to visit Jenin in a peaceful attempt to break down the wall of silence. Her husband would have been the first to encourage her to do so.

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The Israeli woman Yael Armanet loses her husband in a suicide bombing by a Palestinian from Jenin and inspired by Ismael Khatib’s gesture, sets out to visit the suicide bomber’s family in Jenin to get answers about what happened. The film was made possible and co-produced by the Palestinian Cinema Jenin.

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